Dubai sets new standards for oncology services

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Dubai has announced a new set of standards to regulate oncology services in healthcare facilities.

The Dubai Health Authority (DHA) said the regulations are based on international best practices in the field, with a focus on patient care and safety.

They also include performance indicators to monitor the effectiveness of the services provided.

The new standards were presented at a special workshop organized by the DHA in collaboration with the Emirates Oncology Society.

This latest initiative is part of the Dubai Health Strategy 2026, which aims to establish a pioneering system that builds confidence among patients and their families and helps make Dubai one of the leading destinations for medical services.

“The new standards reflect DHA’s commitment to achieving the best outcomes for patients by providing high-quality diagnostic and therapeutic services and improving the patient experience on their journey to recovery. The regulations will also help improve the efficiency, sustainability and accessibility of healthcare within a patient. system-centric,” said Dr Marwan Al Mulla, CEO of Health Regulation Sector at DHA.