MoHRE sets June 30 deadline for Emiratisation targets

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The Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratization (MoHRE) has confirmed June 30 as the deadline to achieve Emiratization targets for the first half of 2024.

In line with decisions of the Council of Ministers, the target aims for 1 percent growth in the number of UAE citizens in skilled jobs in companies with 50 or more employees.

In a press release, explained the MoHRE from July 1, it will begin to verify the level of compliance of companies in terms of achieving the objectives before imposing the corresponding financial contributions on non-compliant establishments.

MoHRE also congratulated businesses that have achieved the required growth, highlighting the need to register UAE citizens in a pension fund and the Wage Protection System (WPS).

It calls on these establishments to ensure that the growth rates they have achieved are maintained by June 30.

The ministry urges businesses that have yet to achieve their goals to take advantage of the Nafis program’s digital platform, which provides access to a large pool of qualified Emirati job seekers in various specializations.