Burjeel Medical City (BMC) has made history by performing the UAE’s first pediatric liver transplant as well as the first transplant from a living person.

The ground breaking surgery was conducted on four-year-old Razia Khan, who was suffering from a rare genetic liver disorder called progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3. 

PFIC, caused by a genetic mutation, leads to severe liver damage from an early age due to abnormal bile production.

Dr. Rehan Saif, Director of Transplant Surgery at BMC and Clinical Lead for HPB Surgery, detailed that PFIC results in critical liver failure and that a liver transplant was the only effective cure in order for Razia to survive. 

Razia’s father volunteered to be the donor, after losing his older daughter three years before to the same condition. He says that he lived in the fear of it all happening again. 

“This achievement represents a significant advancement in the UAE’s healthcare capabilities,” said Dr. Saif. “It allows children like Razia to receive life-saving treatment domestically, without the need for international travel. We are excited about this milestone and are dedicated to helping more families in the future.”

Razia is reported to be recovering well following the 10-hour surgery and will be able to resume normal activities, including starting school and enjoying her childhood. 


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