UAE Attorney-General Dr. Hamad Saif Al Shamsi has ordered the referral of an organised criminal gang to trial before the Abu Dhabi Court of Appeal, State Security Department, for crimes threatening the state’s security, public order, and societal peace.
Investigations, lasting over seven months, initiated by the Public Prosecution revealed the involvement of over a hundred defendants in forming, managing, and joining a criminal organisation known as the “Bahloul” gang.
The group is accused of engaging in illegal activities, accumulating illicit funds, and distributing the proceeds among themselves by exerting power and influence in the areas where they operate.
They allegedly promote their criminal activities through social media platforms and use prohibited tools and weapons to instill fear in their victims, intending to extort money from them as a form of tribute.
Additionally, the gang is accused of laundering money to conceal the illicit origins of their criminal proceeds.
The UAE Attorney-General emphasised that the Public Prosecution will enforce the law decisively against anyone who commits criminal acts or harms and terrorises people throughout the country.
He highlighted that law enforcement authorities perform their duties with utmost vigilance and in accordance with legal procedures to maintain the state’s security and ensure the safety of its residents.
The Attorney-General urged all citizens and residents who consider the UAE their home to report any crimes as soon as they become aware of them, in order to prevent their dire consequences.