In Kuwait, where the four seasons follow an incredible natural cycle and each is creative in presenting a unique artistic scene created by the Lord of the Worlds, many people wonder when winter begins. Winter has its own charm, covering the ground with a white robe and strewn with snow in certain places, and families congregate around fireplaces seeking warmth and intimacy. But when does winter begin and end? – In this piece, we’ll ascertain the exact dates of winter’s start and finish in both hemispheres and emphasize when winter officially begins in Kuwait.

When does Kuwait’s winter season begin?

First, let’s be clear about when Kuwait winter officially begins in the northern hemisphere, which is on December 21 or 22 of each year:

  • We call this the winter solstice. The Earth’s axis achieves its maximum tilt away from the sun on this day.
  • Because of this, the longest night and the shortest day occur throughout the year.
  • In the northern hemisphere, winter lasts for roughly three months.
  • The vernal equinox, which falls on March 20 or 21 of the following year, marks its conclusion.
  • Day and darkness are equal everywhere on Earth on this day.
  • Then spring arrives and the temperature starts to climb gradually after the vernal equinox.
    Additionally, the seasons in the southern hemisphere are opposite those in the northern one.

There was a winter solstice.

An significant astronomical event that heralds the start of summer in the southern hemisphere and winter in the northern, is the winter solstice:

  • The Earth’s axis is at its maximum tilt away from the sun on this particular day, which is why the day is shorter and the night is longer.
  • Autumn begins in the southern hemisphere while winter ends in the northern hemisphere with the vernal equinox.
  • On this day, night and day are of equal length on a global scale.
  • In the northern hemisphere, temperatures start to progressively climb after the spring equinox.


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