Envato Elements

The ban on single-use polystyrene products in Abu Dhabi comes into effect on Saturday June 1.

The initiative, led by the Abu Dhabi Environment Agency (EAD), is part of a policy aimed at reducing dependence on single-use products that are harmful to the environment.

The list of prohibited polystyrene products includes expanded polystyrene cups, lids, plates and beverage containers.

Food containers for products intended for immediate consumption, on-premises or take-out, and containers containing a product which is generally consumed in the container and is ready to be consumed without further preparation such as cooking, boiling or heating, will also prohibited.

Products exempt from the ban include those not designed for use by a single consumer, such as large storage boxes and coolers, as well as trays used for ready-made meat, fruit, dairy products. employment and other food products intended for retail sale.

Additionally, all other products intended for medical use are also exempt.

“Inspired by the success of the ban on single-use plastic bags, we hope to see emirate-wide compliance and collaboration from our government and private sector stakeholders, as we know that by working together we will achieve the best results. we also expect the community to play a vital role in ensuring the success of the ban,” said Dr Shaikha Salem Al Dhaheri, Secretary General of the EAD.

“We have been very selective in choosing which polystyrene products will be banned in order to facilitate business continuity and consumer comfort. All banned products have accessible alternatives,” she added.

To ensure the best possible conditions for doing business and preserving the environment, the Abu Dhabi Department of Economic Development (ADDED) supports EAD’s approach by raising awareness among commercial outlets and industrial facilities in the emirate compliance with this policy.

ADDED shared the circular on banning polystyrene foam with over 50,000 commercial establishments and 80 industrial facilities involved in plastic manufacturing.

There are also plans to conduct field inspections targeting retail outlets and industrial establishments to ensure the implementation of the ban in Abu Dhabi, according to a specific timetable.

The EAD announced Abu Dhabi’s single-use plastic policy in 2020, and in 2022, banned single-use plastic bags in partnership with retailers.

In 2023, EAD, in collaboration with the government and the private sector, introduced reverse vending machines for single-use plastic bottles to foster a culture of recycling.


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