
Dubai Municipality has assigned a team of 3,150 sanitary engineers, field supervisors and workers to manage waste management operations during the Eid Al Adha holiday.

They are responsible for keeping the emirate’s roads, residential areas, markets, beaches, waterways and public facilities clean.

  • The municipality has assigned 2,250 municipal sanitary engineers and 650 others from the private sector.
  • 250 management and control agents have been designated to monitor tasks and process emergency reports in the field.
  • To manage a total of 2,300 km of main roads, the municipality has assigned a team of 165 supervisory agents and sanitary engineers.
  • A field team comprising 91 sanitary personnel and engineers has been assigned to ensure the cleanliness of public beaches.
  • A total of 759 vehicles and equipment will be deployed for regular field programs, providing support and responding to emergencies.

The municipality urged the public to respect the guidelines, preserve public facilities, avoid barbecuing in green spaces or littering in public places and ensure proper waste disposal.


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