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Nigeria and the United Arab Emirates have successfully negotiated an agreement to reinstate travel and visa issuance between the two nations, marking a significant diplomatic breakthrough after two years.

The UAE had ceased issuing visas to Nigerian passport holders in 2022 following financial disputes, particularly concerning fund repatriation from Nigeria that affected Emirates Airline’s operations.

The resolution comes as Nigeria’s central bank recently cleared a substantial backlog of approximately $137 million in foreign exchange owed to international airlines, a crucial step towards restoring normalcy in bilateral relations. 

Emirates Airline has subsequently announced plans to resume flight operations to Nigeria starting October, ending a prolonged suspension that began amidst the financial tensions.

According to Nigeria’s Information Minister Mohammed Idris, the agreement includes updated controls and conditions aimed at facilitating the process for Nigerian travelers obtaining UAE visas. 

This development is expected to rejuvenate economic and social ties between the two countries, benefiting both citizens and businesses.

“This agreement signifies a positive step forward in our bilateral relations with the UAE,” stated Minister Idris in a recent statement. “It restores travel opportunities and strengthens our mutual interests in trade and cultural exchange.”

The resumption of direct flights between the UAE and Nigeria by Emirates Airline is anticipated to bolster tourism, business travel, and broader economic cooperation between the two nations. 

As of July 15th, Nigerian passport holders are eligible to apply for UAE visas under the new framework. 


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